Alternative Layout System
Same SizerWiggle OutFill the SpaceHyphen OutHyphenatorLast is FirstExt. Word & LetterVariable Gradient

Same Sizer


The “Same Sizer” script applies the principle of

monospaced fonts, where each character occupies

equal horizontal space, to entire words. This script

ensures that each word, regardless of length or letter

count, occupies the same horizontal space, creating

a structured and aligned appearance.

Wiggle Out


Following a tradition seen in Ashkenazi Hebrew

manuscripts and certain Quranic texts, this script

rotates words that are too large to fit within a

text block into the margin. The resulting curve can

be adjusted to be more or less pronounced.

It also offers a version with a straight-end finish.

Fill the Space


This script imitates a method used in certain

manuscripts, where the space between the last

word of a line and the end of the text block is

filled with various elements ― such as a simple

or wavy pen stroke, repetition of the last letter,

punctuation marks, embellished slashes, full stops,
etc. It allows you to fill this space with one or
more glyphs of your choice, or by repeating the
last letter of the line.

Hyphen Out


To eliminate hyphenation, the “Hyphen Out”

script (re-)merges hyphenated words and positions

the second part outside the text frame.
The size (in %) and alignment of the resulting part
can be adjusted.



The “Hyphenator” InDesign script enhances text 
flow and readability by avoiding word breaks.
It reduces the size of the last letters in the final word
of a line, ensuring they fit within the available space.

Last is First


This script offers a preview of the word that will 
appear on the next line, a phenomenon seen in some
Hebrew manuscripts.

Ext. Word & Letter


Frequently used in Hebrew manuscripts, 
particularly for copying bibli­cal texts, this script
expands the last letter or the last word of a line.
To counter the 1000% maximum en­largement limit
imposed by InDesign, we suggest selecting the
vectorizing option so that the right-hand side of
the frame is perfectly aligned.

Variable Gradient


The “Variable Gradient” script creates a gradient 
effect throughout a text block by calculating
inter­me­diate val­­­ues between two extremes on
a chosen axis. The result can be applied word
by word or glyph by glyph.